
Whether residential or commercial, buyer and seller alike can trust me with their real estate needs.
No matter the task, I am up for the challenge. Here is a snapshot of the real estate services I provide:

To Search, Buyers Start Here.

Buying a Property

Your property is one of the biggest financial investments you'll ever make. With my help, it can also be your wisest. Working with a professional like me, you’ll be satisfied when buying a property. Here’s my process:

See Listings

Be in regular contact with me as I ensure all the newest listings hit your inbox, even if they are not even public yet. I also make sure you only view the properties that meet your checklist of preferences.

Debrief on Property Information

As you compare your property options, I will make sure you have all the important details presented, including property details, neighborhood, zoning, utilities, and development plans for adjacent properties so you can make the most educated decision.

In Your Court

Many real estate transactions include a labor-intensive negotiating process. This doesn’t intimidate me. I will represent you through negotiating processes, financing meetings, property inspections, and other legal proceedings to get you the best deal possible.

Get the Best Deal

Working with a dedicated agent on your next home purchase will save you time and add professional assurance to every step of the process. With the guarantee of a solid investment, the decision could also make you more wealthy when it's time to sell.


Investors, I'd enjoy telling you how valuable it can be for you to work with me. I can save you time and help you find motivated sellers, great neighborhoods and low renovation and upkeep properties.

To Search, Sellers Start Here.

Selling a Property

When you're ready to embark on the journey of selling your property, I am here to help. I know how to get your property seen by thousands of motivated buyers using the right marketing mix. Here's my process:


I will customize a marketing plan with a price that sells. A well-valued home creates competing offers and increases your property’s final sale value, giving you top dollar.


I emphasize your property’s sellable aspects. Then, I put your property on the forefront to buyers, establishing it on the local MLS (unless we do a pocket listing, see below) as well as broader ones, new listings sheets, and real estate publications. Our widely casted network of contacts will drive further exposure.

Property Promotion

I use innovative ways to make sure your listing is highly visible online. From online listings across multiple networks, email campaigns to my extensive lists, social media posts, and advertising on social and Google. I also advertise in print publications -- all in order to make sure your property gains the most exposure.


I represent you during the emotionally charged negotiating process and ensure you get favorable closing terms and prices. I also oversee all real estate sale paperwork, so you don’t have to get caught up in the details.

Pocket Listings

Let me educate you further on the benefits of a pocket listing and how it can benefit you. I have an extended network and technology to make this a real option.

Let's connect!

Let me be your trusted real estate partner.